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Toronto Police Service – 14 Division

A police facility that embodies the spirit of community collaboration

  • LEED

    Certified Silver

  • 55K

    Square Feet

  • 65K

    SF of Parking

  • Toronto, Ontario

    Toronto, Ontario

A space that maximizes efficiency and encourages open communication among staff

14 Division is the culmination of Toronto Police Service’s (TPS) commitment to community policing and ‘being a good neighbor’. Working with TPS and community representatives, we designed an attractive, accessible and safe building that blends cohesively with the scale of the surrounding historical homes.

Situated within a downtown residential neighborhood, the new facility expresses a careful interplay of public open space, discrete security zoning, materiality and scale. Key elements include the community meeting room near the main lobby, and a large civic plaza with a rich perimeter of new trees and rose bushes. Equally important design elements are the porch-like garden pavilion entrance, and a staggered, landscaped garden wall that separates the secure space from public zones.

More than a good neighbor, 14 Division is a responsible neighbor with LEED Silver Certification. A geothermal system of 36 wells, each 400 feet deep, heat and cool the facility. Stormwater passes through an infiltration chamber to avoid direct discharge into sewers. Finally, roof water is captured into an underground cistern and reused for irrigation.

At a Glance

Pug Award Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Architecture and Design, 2013 Honorable Mention
Meet Our Team

Michael Moxam, Vice President, Architecture

Every intervention impacts the public realm and contributes to community building. This is both our opportunity and our responsibility.

Tom Kyle, Principal

We need to understand the world objectively, and train ourselves on how to be helpful even if we are on the outside looking in.

Michael Moxam

Vice President, Architecture

Tom Kyle


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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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