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Texas Woman’s University, Parliament Village and Dining Hall

Supporting the tremendous growth on campus

  • $64M

    Construction Value

  • 187K

    Square Feet

  • 872


  • Denton, Texas

    Denton, Texas

Creating a unique environment for students to grow and thrive

Facing a growth in student enrollment and a demand for a living and learning residential community, Texas Woman’s University’s (TWU) campus needed to expand. We were there to help.

TWU identified an immediate need for a sophomore village, but expressed the need for a long-term cohesive, comprehensive housing plan. The primary housing goals were clear—they wanted to create a student community, provide financially accessible housing, and offer intellectual and experiential learning. Our approach creates a strong transitional “move-up” plan for students, promoting student retention with the integration of academics into the residence halls as an extension of the learning environment.

The sophomore village includes pod-style living quarters and features residential amenities like lounge spaces, study areas, community gathering places, and a 616-seat dining hall. The dining hall creates a destination within the residential district that serves as a social and study hall. The multi-platform food hall arrangement provides variety for students to explore new cuisines and adapt to their needs throughout the day. In addition, the facility provides new “residence life” offices, multi-purpose classrooms, maker spaces, and three faculty apartments.

With the village now complete, TWU will be able to offer accessible housing that meets demand for the next decade.

At a Glance

  • Texas Woman’s University
Meet Our Team

Amy Holzle, Principal

Architecture is not only creating functional, inclusive, and beautiful environments, but it’s also about the people who do the creating.

Tracy Eich, Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Architecture at its core is problem solving—but at its essence, it’s also a form of behavioral science, and the quality of the spaces we create affects the human spirit.

Richard Zinser, Senior Associate

Our success is rooted in our ability to merge the architect’s complex design intent with a simple economical solution.

Gary Poole, Principal

We strive to be the best at what we do while helping our clients achieve their goals.

Travis Sage, Principal, Architect

I believe that social and environmental responsibility is created through inspired placemaking and the moments we share within.

Gretchen Diesel, Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

My job is to translate project requirements and client goals into the built environment.

Amy Holzle


Tracy Eich

Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Richard Zinser

Senior Associate

Gary Poole


Travis Sage

Principal, Architect

Gretchen Diesel

Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

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    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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