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Downtown Moorhead Master Plan

A community-driven vision for revitalizing an aging downtown

  • Moorhead, Minnesota

    Moorhead, Minnesota

Maintaining the eclectic culture of downtown while offering animated streets and compact critical mass of residents and businesses

While the City of Moorhead has invested in paths and community green space, they needed to set a similar commitment to revitalization in their downtown. The City and Downtown Moorhead Inc. (DMI) engaged us to complete the Downtown Moorhead Master Plan to bring new life and vitality to their aging downtown.

We completed a community-driven visioning and design process including design walkshops in the heart of winter, online surveys and interactive ArcGIS StoryMaps, pop-up events, small group listening sessions, and community-wide workshops. Based on what we heard, we developed a plan framework that prioritizes concepts for improved walkability, a critical mass of people and jobs, connections between the riverfront and downtown, and catalytic development. We then integrated the vision framework with land use, mobility, and open space opportunities and constraints to develop a broad strategy to achieve the vision.

The resulting plan offers urban design guidance for a more walkable downtown paired with specific strategies for reinvestment on a river-adjacent former power plant site, at the regional mall, and along streets with more pedestrian and bicycle amenities.

Meet Our Team

Liza Cohen, Senior Associate

I believe that good transportation planning gives people options, not a one-size-fits-all solution.

David Dixon, Vice President, Urban Places Fellow

We help communities manage change to become more livable, equitable, and resilient.

Beth Elliott, Principal

As planners, it’s our responsibility to engage with traditionally underrepresented voices and create processes that elevate everyone.

Joe Polacek, Urban Planner

No job is too big when you are focused on the right details.

Liza  Cohen

Senior Associate

David Dixon

Vice President, Urban Places Fellow

Beth Elliott


Joe Polacek

Urban Planner

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