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Arizona-Sonora Border Master Plan

A vision for trade and travel

  • 47

    Stakeholder Agencies

  • Arizona


Establishing a framework for present and future success

The Arizona-Sonora Border Master Plan (ASBMP) is a bi-national approach to improving traffic operations at the nine land ports of entry (LPOEs) along the Arizona-Sonora border, as well as improving multimodal transportation infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of border crossings. More than $30 billion in trade passed through Arizona’s ports in 2015, making this a key focal point for our nation’s economy, as well as the day-to-day lives of those who live near these LPOEs.

Working with stakeholders on both sides of the border, we emphasized team building among the many local, state, federal, and international stakeholders to complete this plan in just one year. Focused on addressing congestion issues at the LPOEs and the connecting transportation network within 80 miles of the border, the plan identified and prioritized new and planned transportation improvements. Trust, relationships, and a solid communication plan were at the core of what made the ASBMP a success. The final plan establishes a framework for future improvements to streamline trade through this vital corridor.

At a Glance

Meet Our Team

Bill Ferris, Jr., Vice President, Transportation

Our transportation specialists tailor solutions to improve our communities’ ability to commute to work, to play, and to life’s endeavors.

Chris Eggers, Senior Project Manager, Transportation

New connections between communities can change the perception of how we could and should provide transit in sprawling cities like Phoenix.

Bill Ferris, Jr.

Vice President, Transportation

Chris Eggers

Senior Project Manager, Transportation

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