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Weymouth Water Treatment Plant Filter Rehabilitation

Rebuilding filters from the ground up at one of the largest treatment plants in the country

  • 1939

    Original Design

  • >50yr

    Rehab Design Life

  • 520

    MGD Plant Capacity

  • La Verne, California

    La Verne, California

We engineered the full rehabilitation of filters at a large, aging treatment plant to last another 50+ years

Some of the filters at the Weymouth Water Treatment Plant were over 70 years old, so the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (Metropolitan) had a goal to build robust, rehabilitated filters that will last more than 50 more years. At the time, this was one of the largest filtration projects in the United States.

Initially, we supported Metropolitan in a 2.5-year full-scale trial of different filter arrangements. Following this study, our team was engaged for the full rehab design which was constrained by shallow existing filter boxes and effluent piping configuration. To make it work in limited available height, we reconfigured troughs and gullet walls and selected a low-profile underdrain system with a media retaining plate. We did a detailed hydraulics analysis to define the operating range of the filters and effluent channel which gave plant operators new insights into phenomena they had observed in practice.

The final design required intimate familiarity with the facility, custom engineering, engagement of Metropolitan operators, and attention to construction sequencing to allow for continuous operation. All 48 rehabilitated filters are now back in service and operating to Metropolitan’s satisfaction.

At a Glance

Meet Our Team

Michael Adelman, Associate

I’m interested in the intersection of theory and practice—I think good engineering combines both.

Jim Borchardt, Vice President, Civil Engineer

I’m passionate about mentoring the next generation of engineers so they can trust themselves enough to make mistakes and grow from it.

Tyler Hadacek, Environmental Engineer

My passion is to deliver quality solutions and to value and invest in the people, clients, and communities I am privileged to serve.

Michael Adelman


Jim Borchardt

Vice President, Civil Engineer

Tyler Hadacek

Environmental Engineer

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