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Temple College Master Plan

Engaging with the campus, workforce partners, and local leaders to create a plan that serves the larger community

  • $125M

    Construction Value

  • Temple, Texas

    Temple, Texas

A college master plan with benefits that extend beyond its campus

Temple College wanted to develop a long-range master plan for the main campus in Temple, Texas, to replace aged facilities and realign square footage to changing needs. Additionally, the College wanted to create a visible identity for their programs, especially health professions, workforce development, corporate training, and visual arts. They reached out to our planners to help.

Our analysis included land use and pedestrian access studies, and facility condition and utilization assessments to better inform future decisions with a focus on how they relate to the larger Temple Medical Education District, which includes multiple hospitals and Veterans Affairs facilities. In addition to the master plan, we provided bond planning services to successfully pass a $125 million bond in support of the College’s goals. We engaged with College leadership and faculty, workforce partners, and community stakeholders to create a plan to quickly respond to health, workforce, and community needs.

Since the master plan’s completion, Temple College has enacted several recommendations from the master plan. They re-engaged us to design several of these including a workforce and visual arts center, a health science building, campus operations center, and Campus Main, a combined academic and student enrollment center that will serve as a visual landmark for the entire campus.

At a Glance

  • Temple College
Meet Our Team

Patrick Calhoun, Principal, Business Center Operations Leader, Senior Planner

In educational building design, you like hearing how your design positively impacts students. When you extrapolate out to future generations, that experience is both joyful and humbling.
Patrick Calhoun Principal, Business Center Operations Leader, Senior Planner Read More

Tracy Eich, Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Architecture at its core is problem solving—but at its essence, it’s also a form of behavioral science, and the quality of the spaces we create affects the human spirit.

Amy Holzle, Principal

Architecture is not only creating functional, inclusive, and beautiful environments, but it’s also about the people who do the creating.

Patrick Calhoun

Principal, Business Center Operations Leader, Senior Planner

Tracy Eich

Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Amy Holzle


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