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Scajaquada Corridor Vision and Mobility Plan

An innovative process reimagines mobility options for the Scajaquada Expressway—and finds stakeholder support

  • Buffalo, New York

    Buffalo, New York

Creating a plan to transform an outdated transportation asset—for more vibrant, equitable, and healthy communities

Cutting through economically and racially diverse Buffalo neighborhoods and a historic Olmsted Park, the Scajaquada is a limited access expressway built in the 1950s. Transforming it has long been a priority for state lawmakers. After years of previous efforts meeting roadblocks in finding consensus, the Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council (GBNRTC) took the lead on a new, broader-based effort and engaged us to help.

Seeing an opportunity to go beyond simply reconfiguring a road, our interdisciplinary team found a way to serve broader community goals for equitable economic development, environmental justice, and environmental restoration. Our innovative process—combining intensive community and stakeholder engagement along with a metric-based evaluation—built widespread support and legitimacy for transforming the expressway.

Inspired by the expressway’s historic configuration, our plan recommends a tree-lined, at-grade parkway with multimodal amenities such as paved bike paths and walking trails. To amplify the plan’s community impacts, we provided public policy recommendations for affordable housing, workforce development, and environmental resilience. Additionally, our plan includes emerging mobility options such as mobility hubs, transit priority, and electric vehicle and other next-generation mobility infrastructure.

The transformation of the Scajaquada will help enhance the communities it runs through for a more equitable future for all. 

At a Glance

  • Fisher Associates
  • Highland Planning
  • Clementine Gold Group
  • Strategic Economics
Meet Our Team

David Dixon, Vice President, Urban Places Fellow

We help communities manage change to become more livable, equitable, and resilient.

Ralph DeNisco, Senior Principal

I put my training and experience to work to show people how smart transportation planning creates exciting places that work for everyone.

Greg Rodriguez, Principal, Mobility Policy

With mobility innovations like micromobility and automated and connected vehicles, we’re creating safer and more equitable transportation.

Wei Jin, Urban Designer

My design focus: people and the sense of place and environment. Integrate physical design solutions with social aspects and natural systems.

Catrina Meyer, Transportation Planner

From Boston to beyond, I’m proud to be part of a great team focused on creating safer streets and communities.

David Dixon

Vice President, Urban Places Fellow

Ralph DeNisco

Senior Principal

Greg Rodriguez

Principal, Mobility Policy

Wei Jin

Urban Designer

Catrina Meyer

Transportation Planner

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