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Hurricanes Irma and Maria Post-Disaster Recovery

Resilience and mitigation at all levels

  • 35


  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico

We support FEMA’s Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning program and Building Science Branch

In September 2017 Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico and caused catastrophic damage. In particular, Hurricane Maria brought high winds, coastal storm surge, and subsequent flooding due to precipitation throughout Puerto Rico. To rebuild with resilience, our teams helped Puerto Rico develop updated hazard risk information and revised building codes and standards. These measures incorporate multi-hazard mitigation including high wind resistance, flood protection, and seismic resilience.

Our work included supporting post-disaster recovery efforts with dam condition assessments, substantial damage estimate inspections, and mitigation assessment reports. We assembled multidisciplinary teams to meet an aggressive schedule and support ongoing recovery efforts through collaboration with local stakeholders, industry professionals, and government officials.

Going forward, we’re providing solutions to achieve long-term resilience and helping with community consultation, building science, technical training, field surveys, and riverine and coastal engineering analysis. We’ve developed six recovery advisories, a mitigation assessment team report, and provided specific engineering guidance for restoration. We also led the development of the special wind region for Puerto Rico, which is accessible as a web-based wind region map that includes considerations for topographic wind speed conditions. This tool will help identify design wind loads for structures in Puerto Rico to protect against high wind events.

Meet Our Team

Stuart Adams, Associate, Environmental Services

Let’s work together to identify and execute forward-thinking actions that enable tremendous, long-term successes.

Paige Baker, Senior River Restoration Engineer

The best ecosystem projects begin with either quiet, calm observation of nature, or loud, exciting conversations with colleagues.

Stuart Adams

Associate, Environmental Services

Paige Baker

Senior River Restoration Engineer

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