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15th Street Complete Streets Study

Making streets safe and inviting for all users

  • 3

    Day Long Design Charette

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    Focus Groups

  • +15%

    Community Feedback on Design

  • Washington, North Carolina

    Washington, North Carolina

We were able to navigate a challenging political environment and come up with a design to resolve outstanding safety issues

A nearly two-mile corridor in Washington, North Carolina, 15th Street features both neighborhoods and shopping along its length. This road lacks turn lanes, sidewalks, and bike lanes, and its high daily use means a high crash rate—incidents are 40% more likely than on other similar roads in the state.

When the City of Washington needed a solution to make this corridor safer and more accessible for all users, it turned to our Complete Streets designers. With property impacts a significant community concern, the most critical part of the planning and design process was public engagement. One of the sections under review has a five-point intersection near a hospital—we recommended a one lane roundabout and tested it in a virtual design workshop with hospital, fire, and emergency crew members. Our final design narrows 15th Street from four lanes to three and includes medians, bikeways, crosswalks, shared paths, and two new HAWK beacons—pedestrian-activated stoplights—all within the existing right-of-way.

This design will improve safety for cars, cyclists, pedestrians, and people with disabilities while connecting different neighborhoods to commercial areas. It has received tremendous support and though it still needs to be endorsed by the Department of Transportation, the community is pleased and excited to embark on these improvements.

At a Glance

  • City of Washington, NC
Meet Our Team

Mike Rutkowski, Senior Principal, Complete Streets Leader

When we work with our clients, we simply want to create a place where our families would want to be.

Dan Hemme, Transportation Planner

Transportation isn’t just about moving from Point A to Point B, it’s an experience unto itself—it opens up a world of possibility.

Timothy Tresohlavy, Senior Transportation Planner

Transportation safety and equity are fundamental—our streets are for all people.

Mike Rutkowski

Senior Principal, Complete Streets Leader

Dan Hemme

Transportation Planner

Timothy Tresohlavy

Senior Transportation Planner

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