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Capacity Building to the Cyprus Water/Waste Water & Solid Waste Sectors-inc

Development and restructuring of infrastructure in the northern part of Cyprus

  • Cyprus


This multi-faceted, EU-funded contract will build stronger capacities in the governance of the water, wastewater and solid waste sectors in Northern Cyprus

In 2015 we started working with the Turkish Cypriot Communities to improve their environmental practices and bring them more in line with EU standards. The goal? Enabling an environmentally sustainable economic development and providing local communities with a more effective governance of the waste, wastewater, and water sectors. 

We’re working closely with local communities to establish and further develop shared services, promote economies of scale, and revise tariff systems in the waste management sector. On the water side, we’ve supported specific technical aspects of groundwater monitoring and flood risk management.

In the waste sector, the Integrated Waste Management Plan represents one of the major milestones so far. Covering a 20-year period (2017-2037), the plan provides a comprehensive framework that will support reform, investment, reuse (such as in agriculture), and actions for upgrading solid waste management practices in the northern part of Cyprus.  

In practice, this all goes toward a gradual approximation of EU standards in water and waste management. At the local level, the communities are raising awareness around the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle), and they’re specially focusing on educating elementary and secondary school children to ensure the long-term impact and sustainability of the project’s results. 

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Meet Our Team

Anca Andreescu, Project Management Lead Adviser

Stantec's projects are unique opportunities to share the company's best practices with countries all over the world, while integrating local needs and traditions.

Christophe Leroy, Operations Director, Belgium

We’re passionate about our role in supporting communities to reach their climate action targets and to move them forward in the energy transition.

Anca Andreescu

Project Management Lead Adviser

Christophe Leroy

Operations Director, Belgium

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