Wet Weather Flow & Urban Stormwater

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Smarter projects flow from great ideas

The trends of a booming urban populations, a declining number of porous surfaces, increased major wet weather events, and antiquated infrastructure have resulted in stormwater runoff often overburdening many sewer systems. At stake is not just compliance with increasingly stringent regulations, but also the quality of a community’s drinking water, an increase in costly flood damage for residents and business owners, and the degradation of lakes, rivers, and streams.

Green infrastructure supports urban resilience. Now, more than ever, cities will need to be resilient.

Bernadette Callahan Senior Associate, Green Infrastructure Sector Leader, Water

A world’s first solution to help clean the Detroit River

Fish and wildlife population loss, drinking water restrictions, a designated area of concern—all of that paints a picture of environmental degradation in the Detroit River. Much of this impact was caused by an all too common problem: combined sewer overflows. Faced with aging infrastructure, limited space, and not enough funds, the City of Windsor, Ontario, needed a unique solution. Read More


Financial Services & Management Your utility's success depends on avoiding financial turmoil--we’re ready to work with you to identify difficulties in advance, to analyze your options, and to plot the course for a safe arrival at your future.
Geotechnical Engineering & Materials Testing Our geotechnical engineers and material specialists are focused on solving complex design, construction, and rehabilitation issues impacting the communities where we live and work.
Trenchless Our expertise in trenchless technologies lets you build, maintain, or replace pipes while minimizing surface disruption.
Tunneling We focus on risk avoidance and mitigation with robust management programs that maximize constructability to deliver tunneling solutions that provide the best value.
Water Services Through the life cycle of capture, use, reuse, and discharge, our team works to optimize every facet of a water system.

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