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Reducing plastic waste by recycling 80,000 tonnes per year

Avonmouth, UK
  • Viridor

Avonmouth Resource Recycling Centre

Demand for recycled polymers is expected to rise as regulations requiring all plastic packaging manufactured in, or imported to the UK, contain at least 30 per cent recycled content come into effect.  

To help our client, Viridor, meet such demand, we undertook principal design, interface integration and management, and programme development on their Polymers 2 plant—a reprocessing centre with a throughput of 80,000 tonnes-per-year. Built adjacent to the Avonmouth energy-from-waste plant near Bristol, Polymer 2 will be supplied with its heat and power from the neighbouring facility to produce recycled plastic material for re-use.

The project benefited greatly from our long-term relationship with Viridor. Our knowledge and understanding of the technologies and processes used in the scheme was key to ensuring a seamless interface between the technology provider, the existing site operations, and stakeholders—whether related to process design, civil or structural engineering, or to construction.

Avonmouth, UK
  • Viridor

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Philip Harvey, Director, Design Services

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Philip Harvey

Director, Design Services

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