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White Flint District Transportation Improvements

Realignment, complete street, and utility redesign

  • Montgomery County, Maryland

    Montgomery County, Maryland

Reconstruction of existing roads to promote a safe, and more pedestrian friendly and grid-type roadway network

The existing roadway network and intersections in the highly urbanized and congested MD 355 corridor in North Bethesda needed reconstruction. When the Montgomery County Department of Transportation set out to modernize and promote safety in the White Flint District, they brought us in to provide studies, planning, final design, and construction support services.

We began work on this project at the planning and conceptual stage. Our extensive traffic analysis and modeling—in conjuction with alternative alignments and reconstruction options—helped guide the reconstruction for the various roadways. Once alignments were selected, we developed detailed engineering plans including everything from roadway alignments, landscaping, and signing to storm drain, stormwater management, and erosion and sediment control to design for lighting, utility relocation, and all associated structures.

Following guidelines set by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) and the County, we incorporated complete street features such as on-street parking considerations and innovatively placed bike lanes. Our design set bike lanes behind the curb and at sidewalk level but separated from pedestrians with a buffer.

With these improvements the White Flint District streets are better equipped for multimodal transportation, whether the commmunity users are driving, riding bikes, or walking. 

Meet Our Team

Steve Zeender, Associate, Project Manager, Transportation

I enjoy designing a range of transportation infrastructure improvements—I’m committed to increasing safety, walkability, and bikeability.

Lori Adgate, Project Manager, Transportation

Through transportation engineering, I’m able to help create safer, more walkable streets.

Steve Zeender

Associate, Project Manager, Transportation

Lori Adgate

Project Manager, Transportation

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