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Designing engineering laboratory spaces that support flexible learning and research

At a Glance

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    Square Feet

  • 30+

    Unique Labs

Prairie View A&M University - Engineering Classroom and Research Building

Prairie View A&M University wanted to take their laboratory instruction and research pursuits to the next level and help create a new quad for the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering Complex. They reached out to our team of architects, interior designers, and lab planners to help.

The University’s vision for the new facility embraced a cross-disciplinary approach to research, and consensus-building played a key role in realizing this. We organized discovery workshops during the design phase by lab type instead of by department, which allowed our team to engage with and achieve a consensus from multiple departments simultaneously.

To further support the cross-disciplinary focus across civil, mechanical, and chemical engineering, we utilized modular planning principals for the labs. We maximized bench space in the wet labs with specialty alcoves for fume hoods, biosafety cabinets, and biofermentation. The computational labs contain flexible space for reconfigurable workstations. The inclusion of smart manufacturing, materials, and device and sensor labs support a hybrid of both wet and computation research planning.

The aptly named Engineering Classroom and Research Building (EnCARB) provides just that—much needed instructional and research laboratory space for the College of Engineering. It will help students learn and grow across many engineering disciplines in a future-focused learning environment.

At a Glance

  • 106K

    Square Feet

  • 30+

    Unique Labs

Meet Our Team

Cynthia Labelle, Principal, Buildings

My superpower is problem solving and creativity—I look for the big picture and work to connect the dots.

Michael Reagan, Vice President, Buildings

The laboratories we plan and design may ultimately contribute to the discovery of something that will significantly and positively impact our lives.

Tracy Eich, Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Architecture at its core is problem solving—but at its essence, it’s also a form of behavioral science, and the quality of the spaces we create affects the human spirit.

Gretchen Diesel, Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

My job is to translate project requirements and client goals into the built environment.

Todd Griffith, Senior Associate

Helping clients realize their visions continues to inspire me—finding a healthy balance between technology and design is my objective.

Raul Pinol, Senior Design Architect

By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, our team remains dedicated to achieving excellence in every project we undertake.

George Rieke, Senior Associate

Each research facility we design reflects its inspiring community—and seeks to stimulate curiosity, learning, collaboration, and discovery.

Cynthia Labelle

Principal, Buildings

Michael  Reagan

Vice President, Buildings

Tracy Eich

Senior Principal, Texas Design Leader

Gretchen Diesel

Senior Associate, Interior Design Lead

Todd Griffith

Senior Associate

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