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Federal Transit Administration Project Management Oversight

Oversight of transit-related projects

  • 19


  • 7

    Projects To Date

  • 6

    Agencies We Oversee

  • Multiple Sites, United States

    Multiple Sites, United States

We're working closely with the Federal Transit Administration and multiple transit agencies across the US

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) works with state and local transit agencies to create and enhance public transportation systems. How? Through financial and technical assistance. With multiple projects underway at any given time, the FTA needs support to oversee and review the work completed by their grantees—transportation and transit agencies across the United States.

We’ve contributed oversight services for multiple grantees, primarily in FTA regions six, four, and one, since 2009. That includes 19 states, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. We’ve worked on a commuter rail project in Austin, streetcar projects and a ferry boat terminal in New Orleans, bus rapid transit projects in Austin, El Paso, and Nashville, a San Antonio multimodal transit center, and more.

We review, monitor, and report to the FTA on project implementation plans and processes. Our main responsibility? Help to ensure capital projects and programs are adequately staffed, managed, and executed through project design, construction, and contract close out. We also routinely perform technical capacity and capability reviews, project management plan reviews, and project cost estimate and schedule reviews.

With our help on these projects, the FTA is better able to support the growth and success of transportation systems all around the country.

At a Glance

Meet Our Team

Matthew Alexander, Senior Associate, Transportation

Working on a variety of different projects, in different regions, and with different people has been one of the most rewarding parts of my job.

Pamela Bailey-Campbell, Senior Principal, Innovation Leader, Infrastructure

We’re creating next generation transportation solutions and moving communities towards a smart mobility future that puts people first.
Pamela Bailey-Campbell Senior Principal, Innovation Leader, Infrastructure Read More

Chris Bosse, Senior Associate, Transportation

My greatest satisfaction comes when I work closely with our clients to tackle tough issues and gain their trust so that they ask us back.

Brian Norris, Senior Vice President, Program & Construction Management Business Leader

I am honored to support clients in the successful delivery of large, complex projects in service of the communities that rely on them.
Brian Norris Senior Vice President, Program & Construction Management Business Leader Read More

Matthew Alexander

Senior Associate, Transportation

Pamela Bailey-Campbell

Senior Principal, Innovation Leader, Infrastructure

Chris Bosse

Senior Associate, Transportation

Brian Norris

Senior Vice President, Program & Construction Management Business Leader

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    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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