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ComEd Pollinator Habitat Restoration

Supporting declining pollinator populations in utility corridors

  • Various Locations, Illinois

    Various Locations, Illinois

Enhancing wildlife habitats to benefit pollinator populations in the Midwest

Pollinator populations worldwide are in decline—in large part due to habitat loss. ComEd, an electric utility company operating in northern Illinois, has partnered with our Ecosystem Restoration team for over 15 years to incorporate native prairies (a type of pollinator habitat) on thier transmission rights-of-way through their prairie and stewardship initiatives. In some cases, the last remnants of once-thriving prairies are now confined to ComEd’s corridor, the adjacent areas replaced by urban development or agriculture. Their goal? To conserve and enhance these habitats—and restore additional areas—to benefit pollinators like native bees and butterflies.

Our team helps ComEd from start to finish—first by identifying new sites through a predictive geographic information system model to prioritize pollinator conservation efforts, and then through restoration planning, implementation, monitoring, and adaptive management. On top of that, we are helping engage the community through outreach to community volunteers, adjacent forest preserves, and conservation organizations. For instance, when ComEd partnered with the Conservation Foundation to incorporate local elementary-age children in a pollinator habitat restoration, we helped implement a field-based curriculum through nature talks, seedings and plantings, and virtual education.

Like ComEd, we’re in it for the long haul, and we’re excited to help them continue to grow their conservation into the future. 

At a Glance

Commonwealth Edison (ComEd), an Exelon company
Meet Our Team

Amy Flansburg, Ecologist

My passion is to help clients meet expectations for ecological preservation and help them understand and communicate their success.

David Bart, Ecologist

By utilizing my knowledge and passion for ecological restoration, I provide clients with realistic, comprehensive land management solutions.

Amy Flansburg


David Bart


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