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Paparoa Track Road Access—Strategic and Indicative Business Cases

Securing funding for and supporting access to New Zealand’s newest Great Walk

  • $3.5M

    Secured Funding From Central Government

  • 5KM

    Croesus Road Distance

  • West Coast, New Zealand

    West Coast, New Zealand

Helping a community secure investment and enhance road safety

Paparoa Track is Aotearoa’s newest Great Walk, constructed by the Department of Conservation for hikers and mountain bikers. It crosses the Paparoa Range and connects the town of Blackball to Punakaiki and once completed, to the site of the former Pike River Mine via the Pike29 Memorial Track.

Blackball didn’t have the infrastructure to support a large increase in visitors; of particular concern was the width and condition of Croesus Road which provides access to the Track, and the growth in visitors and the types of vehicles using the road would increase the safety risk for all road users.

Our job was to work closely with the community and other key stakeholders to identify problems, opportunities, and benefits, understand their investment story, and develop a strategic case for investment to support access to the Track. This yielded $3.5 million of central government funding.

We also prepared an indicative business case to find potential options to address problems and enhance opportunities. Further refinement through multi-criteria and economic analyses resulted in a recommended package of works that ensured the Council could fund it and met the needs and aspirations of the community.

At a Glance

  • Grey District Council
  • MBIE
  • DOC
  • Development West Coast
Meet Our Team

Kylie Huard, Senior Transportation Planner/Practice Leader - Active Modes & Complete Streets

I’m passionate about making a difference—I love working with communities to develop solutions that will improve livability and equity.
Kylie Huard Senior Transportation Planner/Practice Leader - Active Modes & Complete Streets Read More

Andrew Maughan, Market Leader - Transport Advisory

The thing I celebrate most is when we’re able to exceed client expectations by solving complex problems.

Kylie Huard

Senior Transportation Planner/Practice Leader - Active Modes & Complete Streets

Andrew Maughan

Market Leader - Transport Advisory

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