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Manitoba Museum - Alloway Hall Expansion & Renewal

A cultural icon, revitalized for the future

  • 850K+

    Visitors Per Year

  • 2X

    Exhibit Space

  • 5,700

    Square Feet

  • Winnipeg, Manitoba

    Winnipeg, Manitoba

A modern, revitalized museum to engage the local community and expand cultural awareness

Located in downtown Winnipeg, the Manitoba Museum opened in 1970 as part of the Manitoba Centennial Centre, charged with the responsibility of collecting, researching, and sharing Manitoba’s rich history, culture, and environment. Faced with the need for more space and greater flexibility to accommodate world class traveling exhibits, the Museum realized it needed a major renewal to Alloway Hall.

A simple, open span rectilinear volume was designed to resolve the previous height restrictions imposed by the original barrel vault roof. Now, the space accommodates a broader range of exhibition programming while restoring the simple geometry and vertical rhythm of the campus. A large ‘picture’ window onto the pedestrian walkway and garden beyond connect inside to out, engaging casual passersby and inviting a cultural dialogue. New multi-functional space offers an additional revenue stream for the Museum while strengthening cultural connections with the community.

With this expansion, Alloway Hall re-emerges as a cultural catalyst, inviting the community to experience new exhibits while reinvigorating Manitoba’s cultural mission for future generations.

At a Glance

2017 Wan Awards, Metal in Architecture (Finalist)
Prairie Design Awards 2018 Award of Merit
Meet Our Team

Michael Banman, Principal, Architecture

I believe that the built environment is life’s stage and that through architecture we can bring grace, delight, and meaning to its experience.

Blair Fraser, Senior Associate, Senior Structural Engineer

As society provides new opportunities, our creative thinking drives innovation.

Leo Korenbaum, Principal, Business Centre Practice Leader, Buildings

I love doing what I do because it’s as close as the practice of engineering ever gets to artistic work.
Leo Korenbaum Principal, Business Centre Practice Leader, Buildings Read More

Todd Littleford, Associate, Interior Design

There is no question that I love design. Being challenged by my colleagues inspires me to come up with the best design possible.

Michael Banman

Principal, Architecture

Blair Fraser

Senior Associate, Senior Structural Engineer

Leo Korenbaum

Principal, Business Centre Practice Leader, Buildings

Todd Littleford

Associate, Interior Design

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