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Edmonton International Airport Expansion

The Long Hall – an airport expansion designed not to feel like one

  • LEED

    Certified Gold

  • 1ST

    Airport Living Wall

  • 14

    New Gates

  • Edmonton, Alberta

    Edmonton, Alberta

Solving space dilemmas with smart architecture

How do you make a half-kilometer (over a quarter mile) corridor not feel like an endless and insurmountable trek.

That was the challenge facing Stantec when we were awarded the Edmonton International Airport expansion project. Passenger traffic was growing. The economy was booming. The airport needed more capacity, but the only way to expand was straight out along a wing that was already long.

The solution uses the architecture to break up the space, giving passengers the sense that they’re moving through a succession of rooms, rather than along an endless hallway. And the “rooms” are passenger gates, so differentiating them by varying the roof form makes them easier to find, something the average—often harried—traveler will welcome.

One of its most memorable features is the living wall, the first in any airport in North America. A full two stories high, it’s hard to miss, and serves as a symbol of the airport’s commitment to sustainable design. This expansion is the first LEED Gold Certified airport terminal in Canada.

At a Glance

Award of Merit, Showcase Award - Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Percy Wickman Accessibility Award - Canadian Paraplegic Asociation
Meet Our Team

Rian Burger, Senior Principal, Buildings

There’s never a dull moment in the sheer complexity and diversity of airports work.

Cecilia Einarson, Senior Principal, Buildings, Airports (Terminals) Sector Leader

Architecture transforms chaos into order, allowing us to positively shape the future of our cities and communities.
Cecilia Einarson Senior Principal, Buildings, Airports (Terminals) Sector Leader Read More

Janice Hicks, Principal

We design to make daily lives more enjoyable—to create spaces that provide people a sense of freshness, delight, inspiration, and surprise.

Kent Goodwin, Principal, Architecture

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. -Aristotle

Ana Cappelletti, Senior Associate, Senior Designer

Always strive for excellence whether you’re designing an airport or a garden shed. To each client, the project is important and significant.

Rian Burger

Senior Principal, Buildings

Cecilia Einarson

Senior Principal, Buildings, Airports (Terminals) Sector Leader

Janice Hicks


Kent Goodwin

Principal, Architecture

Ana Cappelletti

Senior Associate, Senior Designer

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