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Next Generation Asset Data Collection: Road Pavement Performance

Technological advances are giving us more data, of a higher quality, captured for a lower cost. How do we better use all this data?

  • Multiple Locations, Australia

    Multiple Locations, Australia

We drive on our roads every day, but what do we really know about them?

Knowing more about our roads can help us manage their lifecycle more efficiently—and, with more high-quality data, more easily gathered, we can know a lot, even too much. So, Austroads the collective of Australian and New Zealand transport agencies, representing all levels of government, asked us to research and report on next generation data collection for road pavement performance.

First, we conducted a literature review to identify current and emerging technologies. Then, we consulted with Austroads member agencies and numerous contractors to identify their data needs for road pavement asset management. With so many possible data gathering technologies available, we developed a framework for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of those technologies. We also provided reporting on members’ application of the evaluation framework.

A deluge of data can distract from what we need to know. Our evaluation framework gives all levels of government a valuable tool to help them manage an asset that everyone uses, and often has an opinion about. With accessible and meaningful data, we can better apply our road pavement management, and traffic and transport engineering expertise to Austroad member projects and give everyone safer, more efficient roads. 

Meet Our Team

Ella Hingston, Group Leader, Asset Strategies

I believe that effective asset management solutions are created at the intersection of curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Colin Kemp, Practice Leader, Data and Analytics

I take pleasure in assisting others, to help them achieve and exceed their goals.

Ella Hingston

Group Leader, Asset Strategies

Colin Kemp

Practice Leader, Data and Analytics

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