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Stantec and COP

Engaging with global efforts to respond to climate change.

What is COP & how is Stantec involved?

Over 30 years ago, the world’s first global environmental treaty acknowledged earth’s climate was changing and that an international response was needed.

That treaty—the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)—now has almost universal membership. COP (the annual Conference of the Parties) is when those member countries get together to decide what we do about it. COP28 will be held in Dubai, UAE from November 30 –December 12, 2023.

At COP21 in 2015, the landmark Paris Agreement was reached. This required all parties submit climate change plans, called nationally determined contributions (NDCs), in an increasingly ambitious five-year cycle from 2020.

Stantec has been working alongside COP efforts and the Paris Agreement for many years. At a national level, we’ve supported countries in the creation of their NDC climate plans.

Internationally, our work identifies NDC-related green investment opportunities, develops bankable investment proposals, and helps our clients access global climate finance streams. In one worldwide project for the European Commission, we’re working to see that environmental and climate issues are adequately mainstreamed into development cooperation and that environment, climate change, and biodiversity (ECCB) efforts are tracked and reported on.

As a business, our work includes international climate risk and vulnerability projects, ecosystem restoration, designing for net zero and supporting the energy transition. Stantec supports all 17 SDGs, but to be most successful in advancing progress, we focus on the seven where we have the most direct influence and significant impact through our project work. Explore our projects and services below, as well as records of the COP outputs we share with clients—including Inside SCOPE.

Inside SCOPE at COP28

As we look to planning in 2024, we need to reflect back on the outcomes and discussion of COP28. Our Inside SCOPE publication highlights the discussions and decisions made at COP28, including where investment is happening, what sectors are driving change, and how we can play a bigger role in human health and social value. Take a look inside today! Read More

Inside SCOPE – COP 26/27 Summaries

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