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Oban Airport Business Park Enabling Infrastructure Business Case

Creating a business case for developing key enabling infrastructure for a new regional aviation and technology cluster

  • £13M

    Construction Value

  • 144

    Jobs Created

  • £50M

    Economic Benefit

  • Oban, Argyll and Bute, Scotland

    Oban, Argyll and Bute, Scotland

Demonstrating the opportunities and benefits of supporting development at Oban Airport Business Park

The development of Oban Airport Business Park (OABP) presents a unique opportunity for the area to establish a specialist cluster of high value businesses in aviation engineering, technology, operations, logistics, and training. Through tax incremental funding, the proposed investment will address the market failure that has inhibited economic growth. The Argyll and Bute Council commissioned our development economics team to produce an outline business case supporting the development of infrastructure to enable construction at the site.

We analysed the strategic value of the intervention and developed a detailed options appraisal, bespoke economic impact assessment, and financial appraisal model. After assessing and evidencing commercial viability, we developed a procurement strategy to engage the market. We also outlined the project management plans, risk and governance arrangements, and framework for monitoring and evaluation. Throughout the process, our team coordinated the project’s development including engagement with staff from different Council departments and external stakeholders.

This business case helped the Council unlock £8 million of government funding for this project.

At a Glance

  • Argyll and Bute Council
Meet Our Team

Bren Walters, Graduate Economist

Development economics isn’t just about growing economies. It’s about sowing the seeds of a brighter tomorrow for all.

Stephen Cox, Director of Economics and Regeneration

Delivering change in places of weak market demand is a key motivator for me personally and professionally.

Bren Walters

Graduate Economist

Stephen Cox

Director of Economics and Regeneration

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