The future of flood prediction is here

Flood prediction is complex—from flash floods to swelling rivers and coastal surges, accurate prediction necessitates comprehensive, current data. Traditional manual processes take too long and rely on bounded, historical data inputs. Flood Predictor overcomes these limitations by combining fundamental engineering principles with up-to-date data including broad future forecasting and detailed changes like land use and vegetation.

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Forecasting when and where a flood event will happen

Stantec’s Flood Predictor is a digital application that can help communities forecast where and when their next flood event will occur to increase their preparedness.

Flood Predictor helps you quickly understand your flood risk across a variety of scenarios
>1 Hour
Per Prediction Model
Overall Performance
Extreme Weather Cost Increase

Live scenario runs in Flood Predictor range from 30–50 minutes per watershed.
Flood Predictor boasts a prediction accuracy rate of 98% using the area under curve method and an 87% F1 Score.
Over a five-decade period, the World Economic Forum has recorded a large increase in the cost per extreme weather event.

The Flood Predictor Advantage

Flood Predictor applies a first-of-its-kind methodology to help communities accurately predict when and where the next flood event will occur.

Protecting our coasts

Extreme weather events and sea level rise have increased the frequency and severity of flooding in coastal communities. Getting ahead of this is imperative. And the key to that is technology. Through an innovative partnership between Stantec, AltaML, and Microsoft, we’re excited to announce the development of our coastal flood prediction model. This model will provide coastal communities with reliable and timely coastal flood hazard predictions—information that is essential for planning, mitigation, and emergency response. Learn More

Tennessee Flood Predictor Integration

Regional flood analysis depends on efficiency, and traditional methods have not historically delivered this. Complicated by hydrology and hydraulic complexity, these models take hundreds, even thousands, of hours to produce—and for a hefty price tag. In many regions, such as along the Mississippi River in Tennessee, Flood Predictor is changing the game. Read More

Making implementation easy

When we launch a new product, we think about more than getting that product into the hands of people who need it. We're focused on making sure that product is doing all the things you want it to do. This means working with you to understand your business needs and how this product will fit into your existing operations. When you invest in Flood Predictor, our Professional Services team works hand in hand with you to implement it, integrate it into your current system, and customize it as needed to fit your business models and goals. Read More
Expert Spotlight

Jeff Albee, Vice President, Director of Digital Solutions

The world is changing at a rapid pace, and traditional methods can’t deliver like they used to. That’s where comes in.

Susan Marlow, Director, Client Services

I enjoy seeing digital transformative results in the communities we serve by connecting our engineers and scientists to solve client problems.

Brandy Little, Product Manager

I’m fortunate to work for a company that values innovation. We’re encouraged to solve complex problems with creative solutions.

Assaad Mrad, Data Scientist

I like that my work allows me to innovate computational tools that have deep community impact.

Katherine Osborne, Senior Associate, Business Development

Helping people stay safe is a privilege. I’ve seen firsthand our work make a difference in disaster and response and resilience planning.

Curtis Smith, Senior Associate

The flood risk identification business is ready for new and novel applications of engineering principals, statistics, and data analysis.

Jeff Albee

Vice President, Director of Digital Solutions

Susan Marlow

Director, Client Services

Brandy Little

Product Manager

Assaad Mrad

Data Scientist

Katherine Osborne

Senior Associate, Business Development

Curtis Smith

Senior Associate

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