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Wolf Creek Dam Upstream Embankment Geotechnical Investigation

Work on Kentucky dam, dynamic and complex

  • $1.8M

    Construction Value

  • 5.7K+


  • 258FT


  • Russell County, Kentucky

    Russell County, Kentucky

An exploration to evaluate slope stability and assess potential embankment damage

Wolf Creek Dam in south central Kentucky forms Lake Cumberland, the US’s 9th largest reservoir. In 2010, the US Army Corps of Engineers was building a cut off wall through the earthen embankment and underlying soils and bedrock. Work was suspended in a critical zone due to concerns that construction operations had damaged the embankment and affected slope stability. Stantec mobilized quickly to execute a subsurface exploration and instrument installation program to support the Corps’ evaluations, and reduce schedule and cost impacts.

Our work included subsurface exploration and field testing, installing instrumentation, and laboratory testing. We began with drilling, sampling and testing on the work platform and the upstream slope. We then installed inclinometers and piezometers at strategic locations to better capture data related to the embankment condition. Conditions were dynamic; the scope of work was often adjusted and refined based on results and our meetings with the client and dam safety experts.

Five months later our work was done, and we were commended for our responsiveness and “can do” attitude. 

At a Glance

  • Poulos Consulting
  • Fugro Consultants


  • Dams
  • Water Resources Infrastructure
Meet Our Team

Hugo Aparicio, Vice President, Water

Nothing brings repeat business like listening to clients and understanding their needs.

Barry Bryant, Senior Principal, Water

Be responsive to the call and challenge yourself to make a difference—to both your clients and the community you live in.

Adam Crace, Principal, Geotechnical Engineering

I enjoy waking up every day to a new challenge, whether it’s drilling a geotechnical boring or safely executing an underwater inspection.

Tony Speer, HSSE Advisor

Helping people work safer by encouraging safety awareness and demonstrating an intentional concern for the safety of others in their work.

Hugo Aparicio

Vice President, Water

Barry  Bryant

Senior Principal, Water

Adam Crace

Principal, Geotechnical Engineering

Tony Speer

HSSE Advisor

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