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New Mexico-Chihuahua Border Master Plan

Improving safety and traffic efficiency

  • New Mexico & Chihuahua, Mexico

    New Mexico & Chihuahua, Mexico

Bi-national cooperation creates a master plan for safe, efficient travel and trade

The purpose of the New Mexico-Chihuahua border master plan was straightforward—to provide safe and efficient travel and trade at three international border crossings and improve transportation infrastructure in the immediate vicinity. However, the process was complex. Consensus needed to be gained among an incredibly diverse group—politically, geographically, and culturally. That’s what our team was brought in to achieve.

In support of the master plan, we researched numerous comprehensive transportation studies and extracted data that helped us identify and prioritize the various projects that would help improve efficiencies. The studies also defined the process that would keep relevant stakeholder agencies active in the port and transportation project planning. 

By engaging these stakeholders (from local municipalities to national departments of state) early in the process, we focused their attention on regional priorities that yielded wide-spread benefits. The result? Consensus on a bi-national declaration of cooperation between the states adjacent to the international border. That meant moving forward on a plan that would make safe and efficient cross-border traffic a reality.

At a Glance

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Bill Ferris, Jr., Vice President, Transportation

Our transportation specialists tailor solutions to improve our communities’ ability to commute to work, to play, and to life’s endeavors.

Bill Ferris, Jr.

Vice President, Transportation

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