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Lock & Dam 53 - New Mooring Cells and Demolition Planning

Completed safely, on time, and within budget

  • 1,200

    Foot Long Main Lock

  • 600

    Foot Long Auxiliary Lock

  • 3,662

    Foot Long Wicket Dam

  • Olmsted, Illinois

    Olmsted, Illinois

We successfully completed explorations despite a high river level, adverse weather, and difficult drilling conditions

Lock and Dam 53, owned by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), is located on the Ohio River. Modernization of the facilities at Lock and Dam 53 was authorized under the provisions of the Rivers and Harbors Act of March 3, 1909 and was constructed in 1929. With the new Olmsted Locks and Dam immediately downstream, Lock and Dam 53 is planned for demolition.

Our team completed two geotechnical investigations and laboratory testing for the USACE Louisville District at Lock and Dam 53, both from floating plants within the Ohio River. In January 2017, we performed a geotechnical investigation and completed laboratory testing to support the design of mooring cells downstream of Lock and Dam 53. To evaluate the existing condition of the lock walls and cells as part of Lock and Dam 53 demolition, we completed 2 borings within the 600-foot auxiliary lock concrete wall and 8 borings in the 1,200-foot main lock. The borings were performed from a floating plant provided by the Olmsted Lock and Dam contractor.

Despite a high river level, poor weather, and conditions that made drilling difficult, our team completed the projects within the schedule and budget.

Meet Our Team

Barry Bryant, Senior Principal, Water

Be responsive to the call and challenge yourself to make a difference—to both your clients and the community you live in.

Ben Halada, Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering

My passion is to lead geotechnical explorations and accurate instrumentation installation so analyses are always based on solid data.

Kurt Schaefer, Principal, Geotechnical Engineering

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. -Thomas Edison

Barry  Bryant

Senior Principal, Water

Ben Halada

Engineer, Geotechnical Engineering

Kurt Schaefer

Principal, Geotechnical Engineering

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