Ashley is a Smart(ER) Mobility planner and practice lead for the Carolinas/Georgia. Her career began as an urban designer, and through that path, she discovered Smart(ER) Mobility and a new passion for empowering communities through innovative mobility and design solutions focused on equity and resilience. She explores ways to serve local needs for a diverse landscape, both urban and rural, as well as diverse demographics for BIPOC and Indigenous communities.
Working on traditional urban design projects, such as comprehensive plans, vision plans, and corridor studies, allows her to bring a unique, community-based perspective to her work. She has experience with autonomous vehicle feasibility studies, conceptual design, and transit planning as well as planning mobility hubs, complete streets, smart parking, and technology reviews and assessments.
Outside of work, Ashley enjoys spending time with her family, long walks in their highly connected neighborhood, and riding an e-scooter to the nearby mixed-use center and coffee shop.