As a development economics associate director, Debbie helps clients evidence the need for, and impact of, development on the local population, the economy, housing market, and community infrastructure. With over two decades of professional experience in the field of socio-economic research in both the public and private sector, she advises clients on how they can improve social value in their projects. She specializes in social and economic impact assessment to support residential-led, commercial-led, mixed-use, and renewable energy developments of varying size and national significance.
Debbie’s responsible for producing assessments of the current and future population—she prepares housing need assessments at a local authority and settlement level, advising on the scale and associated mix of future housing schemes. Along with her geographic information systems (GIS) skills, she brings her expertise in establishing the community and employment needs associated with future housing developments to inform discussions with local planning and education authorities.
In her spare time, Debbie enjoys walking, running, and playing weekly netball games. She also enjoys spending time with her young family and travelling when she gets an opportunity—especially for winter holidays snowboarding in Canada.