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Fairfax, Virginia

Fairfax is a thoroughly modern city steeped in our nation’s early history. The Old Fairfax County Courthouse and Fairfax Public School stand proud as new retail, restaurant, and residential developments join our ever-changing downtown streetscape. Civil War re-enactments remain a favorite for some, while others prefer to take a more contemporary approach—learning about the city’s past from atop a Segway.

Our team has engineers, project managers, marketers, business development and client relations staff, and more. Though our roles are varied, there’s one thing we share: a passion for enhancing our community through a range of water and wastewater projects.

Much like our city’s place in American history, our role in improving the world’s water resources reminds us that we are part of something bigger. Recently, our office developed water and sewer models that increase a local authority’s efficiency and minimize service issues. Though local residents never know the details of our work, they experience the benefits when they turn on their taps. 

Meet Our Team

Michael F. Adams, Jr., Principal

At its core, a river is the manifestation of water, sediment and wood, moving across the landscape, driven by gravity.

Ali Alavi, Principal, Conveyance Subsector Leader

Technology has transformed the way we work—today, our digitally-driven tools deliver quicker, faster, and more economical solutions.

David Goldwater, Vice President, Public Policy

It’s an exciting time to be involved in infrastructure improvements. We have the opportunity to impact how generations live, work, and play.

Cyrena Eitler, Strategic Planning Advisor

When engaging the right partners with open communication, I’m always amazed at what communities can accomplish.

John Bachmann, Senior Principal

I’m passionate about making vibrant, walkable cities that shrink our carbon footprint and improve the quality of life for everyone.

Bimal Patel, Principal

Engineering takes teamwork, and you’ll collaborate with all kinds of people inside and outside the field.

Shelby Olson, Civil Engineer

I design and construct projects that comply with environmental requirements and provide a sustainable infrastructure for the future.

Yasmin Momenian, Civil Engineer, EIT

The work we do provides creative plans that allow for a built environment where humans and their communities can grow and develop.

Michael F. Adams, Jr.


Ali Alavi

Principal, Conveyance Subsector Leader

David Goldwater

Vice President, Public Policy

Cyrena Eitler

Strategic Planning Advisor

John Bachmann

Senior Principal

We’re better together

  • Become a client

    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You’re exactly what’s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

  • Design your career

    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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