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Stantec on mining’s quest for healthy closure

November 30, 2023

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Phil Crouse was featured in Mining Magazine to talk about mine closure, implementing technology, and the importance of community engagement

From historic uranium waste to mine closure data software, Phillip Crouse shares what he’s seeing after 35 years in the industry. He also talks about how he got started in mine closure with a background in soil mechanics, geoenvironmental work, and solid waste management. He anticipates where the industry is headed—with more closure and reclamation planning happening at the beginning of projects, instead of the end. Phillip is Stantec’s Mine Closure, Reclamation, and Asset Transformation Technical Practice Lead, based out of Denver Colorado.

  • Phillip Crouse

    Phillip has more than 35 years of professional experience solving complex geo-engineering challenges in Africa, Europe, Indonesia, North and South America, and beyond.

    Contact Phillip
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