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The right ingredients for tailings management

March 13, 2023

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Stantec’s Amanda Adams and Anna Norris explore how the right mixture of people and technology is critical for successful tailings management

Just like your favorite dish requires certain ingredients, managing mining tailings also requires the right mix of technology and people working together. Amanda Adams and Anna Norris explore what all goes into a successful tailings management program. First, we need the right ingredients, finding professionals in the industry and using appropriate technology. Next, we need to mix the ingredients together and add ESG principles. This is how we start to create mining’s favorite dish—a tailings program focused on safety and sustainability. Amanda and Anna leave the readers with the final thought, “it is an exciting time to be a tailings professional.”

  • Amanda Adams

    A project manager and designer for tailing storage dams all over the world, Amanda combines her love of geology with her passion for promoting careers for women in engineering.

    Contact Amanda
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