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Nova Victoria, London

A new popular destination to live, work, shop, and play

  • London, United Kingdom

    London, United Kingdom

Utilities consulting for the prestigious redevelopment of Victoria Circle in Central London

Sitting to the north of one of London’s busiest transport interchanges, three dynamic new buildings have regenerated and reinvigorated an important island site in Westminster. The development includes a sustainable balance of office, retail, residential, and community space uses including a library and extensive new public realm.

We provided detailed design and project management services for the supply of new utilities, utility diversions, and highway drainage for the scheme. This complex project required multiple construction areas and parties involved, including major stakeholders such as London Underground, Westminster City Council, and Transport for London.

Design challenges included the underlying Victoria Underground Station expansion, networks of large-diameter Victorian sewers, and grade II listed buildings. As well as reinvigorating the island site, the Nova Victoria project also responds to the adjoining areas of historic, civic, and political significance, including Grosvenor Gardens and the Royal Parks and Westminster Cathedral Conservation Areas.

At a Glance

  • Land Securities
PLP Architecture
Image Credit
Robert Wootton
Meet Our Team

Daniel Hayes, Director, Civil Engineering South

Design and delivery of sustainable infrastructure is what brings communities together.

Daniel Hayes

Director, Civil Engineering South

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