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An analysis of England’s local housing needs by Stantec’s Development Economics team

August 29, 2024

Current View

By Debbie Mayes

Following the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework, Stantec’s development economics team examines England’s housing needs

With an increasing housing backlog, rising cost-of-living and limited space to develop, England’s housing crisis is one of our biggest challenges to address. But how many homes do we need?

In this free to download document, Stantec’s Development Economics Team has calculated the minimum local housing need for each local authority in England incorporating the latest revisions to the national planning policy framework (NPPF).

Download it to see what the need for development is in your region.

  • Debbie Mayes

    As a development economics associate director, Debbie specialises in social and economic impact assessment to support residential-led, commercial-led, mixed-use, and renewable energy developments of varying size and national significance.

    Contact Debbie
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