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Inside SCOPE Issue 2: Week 2 at COP26

November 16, 2021

Current View

By Alicia de Haldevang and Claire Miller

COP26 announcements, summaries and commentary from Stantec experts for Week 2

The Inside SCOPE is a Stantec COP26 special publication that aims to summarise each week’s themes and announcements during the UN climate conference in Glasgow.

It includes analysis and commentary from Stantec’s multidisciplinary professionals from around the world.  These relate to the decisions and discussions made at COP26, how they could impact our business, clients and various industries, and how we must all adapt and act for the sake of the planet. 

Issue 1 can be found here.

Issue 2 focuses on Nature, Adaptation, Loss and Damage, Gender, Science and Innovation, Transport, and Cities and Built Environment. 

  • Alicia de Haldevang

    As a sustainability consultant, Alicia is passionate about the steps our companies, clients, and communities need to take to fight climate change.

    Contact Alicia
  • Claire Miller

    A marketing and communications specialist, Claire focuses on climate insights, content creation, research, and events management. She’s worked in engineering, architecture, and design support roles.

    Contact Claire
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