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Woy Woy Wharf Redevelopment

Redeveloping the Woy Woy Town Centre wharf so that it can be used in all tide and weather conditions by all potential users.

  • $10M

    Construction Value

  • Woy Woy, New South Wales

    Woy Woy, New South Wales

Designing a new commuter wharf based on a floating pontoon

Designing wharfs for ports where there is significant tidal variation is no easy task, especially where there is also the possibility of severe weather conditions making the dock unsafe and unusable.

The old Woy Woy Town Centre wharf presented that problem, becoming submerged during King Tides and in severe weather conditions. We were engaged by the Central Coast Council to design a new wharf that can overcome these conditions. The solution was a floating pontoon, which can rise and fall with changing water levels, ensuring access in nearly all conditions. The floating pontoon concept even allows for a measure of sea level rise due to climate change.  

A priority for the design was providing accessibility to all community members, especially those using mobility aids. The new wharf also incorporates a covered gangway and shelter, solar lighting, smart benches with mobile phone charging capacity, and a wheelchair lift. The completed wharf is a significant upgrade and is being used by both recreational boaters and commuter ferries with boats up to 35 metres in length being able to use the wharf.

At a Glance

  • Central Coast Council
Image courtesy Central Coast Newspaper
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Trent Halvorsen, Structures Lead, Northern NSW

Engineering is like solving a puzzle, at times it can be solved with a robust process while other times you need to think outside the box.

Sara Belgrove, Business Leader, Community Infrastructure, Northern NSW

The best part of my job is working with others to build their skills and capabilities and create a strong team ethos.
Sara Belgrove Business Leader, Community Infrastructure, Northern NSW Read More

George Ashworth, Geotechnics Lead, Northern NSW

Each member of the team contributes specific skills and talents—adding their strengths makes the team stronger as a whole.

Ian Piper, Technical Services Manager, Geotechnical

My real love is the problem solving—based on many years of experience, it never gets old.

Trent Halvorsen

Structures Lead, Northern NSW

Sara Belgrove

Business Leader, Community Infrastructure, Northern NSW

George Ashworth

Geotechnics Lead, Northern NSW

Ian Piper

Technical Services Manager, Geotechnical

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