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Trish Robertson

Principal Transport Engineer

Photo of Trish

Transport is a critical component in all communities—it connects people to places. Trish is always on the lookout to spot opportunities to improve functionality and design through a sustainability and community focused lens, connecting people while caring for our environment.  

Trish specialises in transport impact assessments, masterplanning, data collection and analysis, local area transport planning, modelling, parking demand management, road safety audits, and sustainable transport plans. Her experience extends from small scale projects, such as residential developments and mixed-use precincts, to larger transport infrastructure projects for cities. She’s spent more than a decade advising the resource sector and, to Trish, success is producing quality solutions while minimising environmental impacts. An example of how we can do this is by considering modal shift options, such as moving away from private car use towards other less carbon intensive forms such as active and public transport where possible.

On a hot summer’s day when Trish isn’t working, you’ll likely find her spending quality time with her family in the pool or at the beach.

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